21DSD: Day 15 – Home stretch!

Two weeks down, one to go! Should be easy enough as I breeze through this week on a cloud of happiness. Vacation draws near!

Now there are some forces in the universe that would have my happiness’s head on a stake. It’s true. There are beings that thrive on devouring the happiness of others. Those beings are employees of the State. Those shameless, blameless, give no cares for society soul sucking monsters that are so misguided and deluded that they think what they’re doing is just and noble. Shame, that. You’re a leech if you work for the State or collect from it. Sorry, I’m not sorry. I’m only sorry that the truth will make me lose friends. I guess we weren’t really friends if that’s the case. I’m just not feeling tactful at the moment. Had a frustrating run-in with Wells Fargo and USPS screwing up my rent delivery. I was so aggravated that I lost a whole prep day to easing my frustration. Thank god for my family.

However, I feel little to no inclination to run out for TastyKakes! I can’t properly explain to you, being outside of my head and feelings, how monumental that is. My only wish is that I had food prepped in the apartment already. Good food. I don’t want to go out for food, mostly because that food won’t be ANYWHERE near as good as my own. Also, I have no interest in spending additional money this month. Or at all. I’m saving up for a special treat to myself. Might be a tattoo! Might be a gun! Pew pew, aggressive bitches!

. . .But hey! Look what I can do with leftovers!

Salad with sliced pork chop. Oil, vinegar, and mustard dressing.
Salad with sliced pork chop. Oil, vinegar, and mustard dressing.

Featured Recipe: Salisbury Steak Meatballs (adapted from PaleOMG)

Guess what I figured out. How to use arrowroot powder as a thickening agent in recipes other than baked goods! It needs to be mixed with a cold liquid when added to hot liquids. I put the first 1/2 teaspoon in more coconut milk then when I thought it needed more, I put a second 1/2 teaspoon in more beef broth. I basically made regular meatballs with mushroom gravy. That’s what Salisbury steak is: an oval hamburger with gravy. I’m avoiding eggs so I made meatballs that don’t require eggs. Boom. Done. But because I backed myself into a corner after yesterday’s rent debacle, I haven’t had a chance to test it yet. I’ve not been hungry since about 1ish. My body was not pleased with me other than I had enough energy to get me through this week’s main entree and plenty of laundry. (I am not yet done with the detox, no sir!) But I will try to remember to report back. The meatballs look GORGEOUS! You’ll see in due time. 😉

Just need to remember: Live long. Drop dead. Oh, my new quote I fell in love with is, “Live the life you love. Love the life you live.” It’s more generic than Grok’s mantra, but in times of struggle when I am not one with Grok, I am still in a beautiful place in my life and I regret nothing.

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