On Today’s Menu: Saturday February 22, 2014

Today was an awesome day! Got through a pretty long work shift. I didn’t eat anything I shouldn’t have (barring how you define “shouldn’t). I beat some battles and I got to end the day with the boyfriend. . .who is tooootally not convincing me to get a tattoo on both my wrists. Because. . .y’know. . .I said I wouldn’t. . .so don’t get any ideas!

Highlights: My non-zero day attitude won the day today! Future Brenna is my best friend and I don’t want to do wrong by her. Thanks past Brenna for not eating chocolate chip cookies or pizza! The burgers and chow mein were delicious! My co-workers make getting through long days at work so easy. Did I mention I put in a huge order from Tropical Traditions the other day? Soon my discounted 2 quarts of Gold label virgin coconut oil and 2 17.6oz jars of Canadian organic raw honey will be shipped to my door! And 6lbs of grass fed bison! Then I can start making baked magic happen in my kitchen again! I got to Skype the boyfriend when I got home after surviving my very long shift at work. Best way to possibly end any day. I was still having weird sadness feelings, but he fixed it. 🙂

Struggles: I think I was a little too vocal about food today. It’s like getting over a cold. For getting over a cold there’s always a cough that lingers; for getting over a sugar shock there’s always some bitching that lingers. I apologize. I was super tired by the end of the day even though I was sitting for the majority of it. Probably because I’m an introvert and every patron sapped some of my energy. True story. I made some mistakes at will call which stressed me out, but they were easily corrected. I missed out on going to Amber’s for movies and food 1. because I was just so drained and ready to crash and 2. I had been doing so well with fighting food temptations that I didn’t want to put myself in that position. I wasn’t just going to say, “Hey you better bring food I can eat too!” because that would be rude. I was getting hunger pangs while skyping the boyfriend. I understand why: I hadn’t eaten since about 4 hours earlier and that was my snack after dinner. But I didn’t want to hang up because I don’t like cutting our calls short. There’s going to be so much baked goodness when he’s down here in April! ::fingerscrossed::

Here’s one of the things I ate today:

Grass-fed burgers with broccoli and cauliflower
Grass-fed burgers with broccoli and cauliflower


  • BREAKFAST: 4 slices of ham
  • LUNCH: House special chow mein (which is just the cabbage, no noodles)
  • SNACK: Larabar
  • DINNER: grass fed burgers (and bad ketchup) with broccoli and cauliflower
  • SNACK: gluten free animal crackers
  • SNACK: Chocolate covered macademia nuts, a chocolate square

On Today’s Menu: Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy birthday to the baby I would’ve had had I conceived a baby on my first day in my new apartment! . . .oh no, that’s totally not weird to say, Brenna. Good one. But today marks 9 months living in Georgia. And the excitement for today? Not much considering I paid $5 to get to work and back on MARTA only to realize I no longer had work today. . .or the two big day box shifts next week. . .which means I have all of one shift left for the current show at Horizon. Oh glory be. . .welp! I guess I’m not getting that manicure. . .or taking that business class I really wanted to take (alter-ego, don’t worry about it). . .or spending another cent in February. I mean, I could. I have savings for this situation. But it’s now going to be based on absolute necessity. Thanks, February.

Highlights: Um. . .well. . .I got to watch How to Train Your Dragon! I have a new idea for a short play. Might be doing a little dabbling in the radio play universe. Might be doing a little collaboration. Who knows. I got to listen to a beautiful recording the boyfriend did. He’s so talented. :3 And, uh, I guess I got a day to myself. I ate alright. I think an IF is in order though.

Struggles: EMOTIONS! I really shouldn’t complain too much about money. Like I said, I have savings and probably more support than most who venture off into the world alone. But it’s not a fun feeling to abruptly have 15 hours of work snatched away when you were really relying on it to even the month out in the black. You don’t want to have to use savings unless you were building them up for a specific purpose, not as a safety net. Between boredom and frustration, I finished off one of the bags of GF animal crackers while watching How to Train Your Dragon. Didn’t feel good about that. So yeah. An IF is probably in order.


  • BREAKFAST: Paleo Cinnamon Toast Crunch in coconut & almond milk
  • LUNCH: Hot dogs and mashed sweet potatoes
  • SNACK: Larabar
  • DINNER: Chicken tenders, veggie medley
  • SNACK: GF animal crackers

NAP Time: Snow-pocalypse Part II?

Sorry, native and long term Georgians. Honest. But it still makes me giggle that a winter storm watch puts Georgia into a state of emergency. Call it my New Jersey princess roots. No, I’m not laughing at friends and loved ones stuck in the mess. I’m laughing at the situation in general. A state of emergency. For black ice. Something that comes around every time water meets cold.

Which also means you’re more than welcome to laugh at we native northerners and our silly heat waves and panic over an earthquake. What are we, pansies? You got it! We’ve been babied into being little pansies.

So what are we all afraid of with these clashing climates? What is the real scare here? It sounds like the big issue for Georgians is the devastating thought that their tax money, already a precious commodity being stolen from their checks every two weeks or monthly or per gig or what have you, is being wasted on something they don’t need. The money that they are forced to give up to the state of Georgia to protect them wouldn’t actually be protecting them. It would be better off still in their wallets! Like if every home in NJ was suddenly bumped in price because we were forced to have special earthquake resistant door frames and foyers. Damn straight I’d be pissed!

The idea that this is most definitely the thought running through every Georgian’s mind and yet they worship their government that protects them until it doesn’t — this idea frustrates me to no end. You don’t want your money wasted, but what about those programs you don’t support, but a majority of people think it would be in your best interest to have or not? ANYTHING that is publicly funded that you have to lobby to change. ANYTHING like that is a waste of your money. But guess what. If you lobby to change it, now it’s a waste of someone else’s money. You’re okay with that?

What if — and bear with me here — you took care of yourself and each other? Voluntarily. What if you kept all the money you earned and could pool that money with the neighbors in your town to buy your own plows and your own salt trucks? What if you took matters into your own very capable hands instead of the hands of incompetents? And if you think you’re not capable, if you think we common people are not capable, what on earth makes these people in office any more capable? When have politicians proved themselves as anything but more capable at spinning words?

I declare we take care of ourselves and our roads and our cars and our homes. Our health. Our lives. And before you say, “But without government, no one would want to help each other and nothing would get done!!11!!1!!!11!!!!”, remember the  beautiful, kind people who went out into the snow-pocaplypse to give people food, water, help them to shelter, and more. They would help. They would care. Without force.

“I choose anarchy because anything else would be uncivilized.” -Jeffrey Tucker

On Today’s Menu: December 8, 2013

Grok is not amused. Actually Grok couldn’t give less of a damn since he’s no longer with us, but I am not amused. See, my brain knows there’s still some leftovers in the fridge. Cooked leftovers of things not likely to go bad for a while. Not all of these cooked leftovers are so good for me. But regardless, I won’t have time to go to the farmers market for a bit so I had bachelorette mac n’ cheese for breakfast. Take 2 cups cooked noodles from Thanksgiving. Throw it in a bowl. Add two handfuls of cheese of choice. Stick in the microwave for 1:30. Voila! Bachelorette mac n’ cheese! Bad for the guts; good for the quick meal.

Work flew by today. Even with me locked out of the back computer for a while. I was only there for about three and a half hours. Then I went right to Horizon and walked into the end of Madeline’s Christmas as the crowd of children and parents came out. It was weird to have such a quick turn over between shows. I was AHM tonight and really had no idea what I was supposed to do because the Apprentices are working AHM duties as well. Hey, I’m cool with crowd control. No worries there. I just need to adjust my budget to take the shorter AHM shifts into consideration. Also need to watch myself as I sit in dessert heaven. Oh. My. God.

Yes, I ate a bunch of broken cookie pieces and yes I had a brownie. Life, dude. Life. But I’m also very good at selling the concessions though. My patrons leave satisfied. 😀

I got home and Tease Tuesday was on my mind and if I was going to get to help. Good thing I double checked Facebook. Apparently the first message I sent on Thursday wasn’t seen! Argh! But I just resent it and hoped for the best. Yay! Heard back from Katherine and got in touch via email. Now it’s a wait and see. I hope it’s not common to do last minute planning like this. Or maybe I just need to always keep Tuesday and Thursday nights free. I got an awesome outfit planned and I really really really wanna wear it!

I went to bed with that terrifying ache in my chest that usually precedes heartburn. Prayed for the best with that.


  • BRUNCH: Bachelorette mac n’ cheese
  • SNACK: Chocolate covered pretzel, cookie pieces, brownie

When I eat crap, I guess at least I don’t eat too much of it.

On Today’s Menu: Saturday, December 7, 2013

Didn’t get enough sleep. That’ll happen when feelings keep you awake til your body just revolts and throws you into sleep. Sleep would have been nice since today was a long two shift day. Again, I prepared.

Again, not well.

Killed the GF pizza for breakfast and packed ham and greens for lunch. I think being at the window helped the time fly so hunger didn’t get my attention til after 1. But then I was a wee bit uncomfortable so I ate what was meant to be late lunch early dinner to get me through Horizon’s shift. I think today was also a hydration issue. I swear I brought two water bottles and one just vanished! So after lunch I also ate two sugar cookies that were downstairs. And then nabbed two more on my way out. Bah.

I think Horizon’s excuse was just that it was a surprisingly smooth shift for being sold out! Literally everything ran smoothly. Even the hiccups were smooth! Cooperative people showed up last minute or messed up an order, thus cooperative people were on my waiting list. Fantastic! So I guess I rewarded myself with a peppermint brownie? I shouldn’t have, but I was also going to be really hungry by the time I got home and I would rather skype the boyfriend than worry about being hungry late at night.

Yup. Good choice, Brenna. Skyping the boyfriend was muuuuuch better than worrying about hunger. And good feels are muuuuuuch better than lonely sad feels. Especially good feels that come from meaningful conversation. P.S. My boyfriend is pretty darn awesome and the January visit is just 46 days away!

You know what else is pretty darn awesome? Sudden insight about costume choice. Especially exhilarating insight about something you swore you wouldn’t do! AH! I’m so nervous for next class but soooo excited too! I hope my shoes arrive soon! And my robe! Uggh! Where are they?? I need to put them on so I can take them off!


  • BREAKFAST: GF pizza
  • LUNCH: Ham, greens
  • SNACK: Sugar cookies, peppermint brownie

I love when the written out menu looks better than I pictured it in my head. I just felt like I was maintaining the sensation of full all day so I felt like I was stuffing myself with junk. Yay today! But we can do better! Let’s go!

On Today’s Menu: December 6, 2013

Sorry about my laziness for posting the last few days. Well really it was just Wednesday. Yesterday I had class so I was out late and I was much too excited when I got home. Had to plan out a satisfactorily cute/sexy costume as a just in case. Did I mention I’m terrible at planning and my mouth gets me in trouble often? Well I am doing a wee bit of rescheduling, and you know what? Turns out that’s just fine with me. Clearly I have priorities that want me to embrace something new over something that gives me such of the negative kind of anxiety.

Vague? Yes. 🙂 That part isn’t about food so don’t worry about it.

The last two nights I’ve been pretty bad about late night snacking. Wednesday night after posting, I suddenly freaked out. Not entirely sure over what. All I knew was that there was a culmination of things that were terrifying me and I resorted to my old friend food to calm me down. It was weird because I was perfectly reasonable in terms of understanding what I was doing, but I could not stop myself from eating. Definitely need to work on that. Otherwise though, I’ve been pretty good about my meals lately. I’ve avoided snacks at the puppetry center. I caved last night because I didn’t plan that one so well. I had three little cupcakes that one of my burlesque class ladies brought in. But I was pretty hungry by then and hadn’t eaten since about 2. Thought I prepared, but I guess I forgot it was gonna be a really late night.

Um, there was a beautiful puppy on the corner outside my apartment complex yesterday! It was drizzling and windy, though still warm, and I pray to the cosmic boogieman that someone helped it! I felt so terrible that I didn’t stop because I was running to catch a train. I called the nearest animal hospital and tried to leave a message and I called a courtesy officer. I hope some kind of sign reaches me that that sweet puppy is okay.

No more sad talk! Back to the good stuff!

I ate breakfast and then got right to work! Sewing and dancing and sewing and ripping stitches and dancing and sewing. Phew! So worth the tedium. And some Dr. Who thrown in the mix. And the rest of the bag of Enjoy Life brand chocolate chips. Yeah, that happened. They’re really good and I was waiting for the mail and I got bored and I got nervous about my routine and I wanted to pass the time til Game Night and–! UGGGHH! Chocolate! At least it’s Enjoy Life brand.

I fought all day to not snack. I wasn’t hungry, but I don’t know why I was bored. Maybe it wasn’t boredom. It felt a lot like boredom though, but I sewed and did some social media stuff and ran through my routine and got some more prop and costume stuff today. But all day I’ve just been really bored. Or maybe emotional? Or because I was waiting for the mail and stopped myself from going out to do productive important things. And then Game Night was later than I thought which sucked to have less time with my friends. Yeah, I’m sure there’s lingering hormones and some nonsense like that.

Thing is, when I get in super snacky mode, I just want to go to bed to ignore it. Then when I wake up, the hunger will be legitimate. So then I was just really tired and kind of irritable. And then I was just sad. And kinda lonely. No bueno. It’s that avalanche of feels. Not cool when it’s running down the dark side of the mountain. So bedtime was filled with feels. Luckily, I have a boyfriend who makes my feels feel better. 🙂


  • BREAKFAST: Ham, mac n’ cheese
  • SNACK: Clementines
  • DINNER: GF Dominos pizza
  • SNACK: Cheese shreds, pistachios, chocolate chunks

On Today’s Menu: November 18, 2013

I did things today! On my day off! And I ate things today! Like a normal human being! I ate two pieces of chicken and one burger patty for breakfast around 9am. This was immediately following my morning zombie fix. There is simply no excuse for letting an episode of The Walking Dead go more than one evening without being watched. Unless you’re considering downgraded your cable which may not allow you access to AMC any longer…I hate being a poor kid. Anyway, I had breakfast while watching The Talking Dead and scrolling around Facebook.

Today was actually heavily spent on the computer. That sounds like a bad thing, but it’s not! I did two loads of dishes and multi-tasked with working on my burlesque social media. After toiling in circles for a while, I now have my Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ in place. And even followers! AAHH! Life! It’s happening right before my eyes! Took a pretty snazzy picture yesterday too so I also have a profile picture for all three. Oh yeah. Gettin’ shiz done! And posting a lot from these new pages. Making a name for myself that I don’t even know I’ll most definitely want to continue. Although it does seem like I’m pretty excited about this, doesn’t it? 😛

A lot of these accomplishments were finished by like 1pm and I was getting peckish. I snacked on the whopper candies. I don’t know why the rice crackers are unappealing to me right now. The idea of crunching into them is just kind of unpleasant in my head for some reason. But as I figured, those 6 little malted milk balls got me through another six hours. Body, you are awesome. Thank you. I apologize that I will certainly be putting bad things into your guts soon, but I’ll do my best to control myself. But those Krispy Kreme s’mores are happening again. End of story.

I also posted my first theatrical review to Thoughts on Theatre. Definitely check it out. It’s done Aristotle-style, breaking down the 6 elements of theatre. So you get a lesson with your review. If you’re in the Atlanta area, come see Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer before it sells out! And buy a membership from me! 😉

Only problem with being distracted by social media? Burning your side dish for dinner. I just can’t get side dishes right lately. Huh. Well, I’m sure even crispy over roasted sweet potatoes are just fine. …but not so much for burnt sweet potatoes. Maybe sitting in the fridge will bring out the last meager morsels of liquid to make them a little less…poorly done potato chip. Because I AM NOT wasting sweet potatoes.

I needed the energy anyway. I danced my butt off the rest of the night rearranging my number. No more hoodie! It’s too hot! Ain’t nobody got time for that! …the wig isn’t going to help matters either. However, it’s too cute to give up. Bubble is going to trim the bangs for me on Friday! I am so very ready to rock, ladies and gentlemen!


  • BREAKFAST: Two chicken legs, one burger patty
  • SNACK: Whoppers candies
  • DINNER: Burgers and roasted(?) sweet potatoes

On Today’s Menu: November 15, 2013

I AM SEE’N MAH BOFREND IN WAN WEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now that that’s out of the way, breakfast. Breakfast really needs to become a thing. The way my day goes, I need to budget more than fifteen minutes to shove the puny morsels I call breakfast down my throat. This would be easier if I properly budgeted money for sides and time for cooking.

MARTA doesn’t care how you budget your time. Today, after two days of frost delays, MARTA decided to just shutdown its westbound trains from Indian Creek to Avondale. No, no. That’s cool, public transportation. I’ll just use the other mass transit system…oh wait. I can’t. Because monopolies.

I felt my stomach burning despite having eaten just an hour prior. Definitely anxiety hunger, which is fake I realize. It’s tied to emotional eating. Yup. So hush, stomach, because you’ve got a 9-3 shift. Luckily this girl packed water and Macademia nuts…and luckily it wasn’t a real 9-3 shift because I was late…? Actually it wasn’t a 9-3 shift at all. I forgot today’s schedule was only 9-1. Ooops. The key to today’s shift though is that Tess and the internet kept failing and I was attempting to multitask on my down time looking for cheap costume pieces. Stress was a little high. Also, Batman’s mom was in the parking lot. Seriously. The Bat Soccer Mom-mobile was in our parking lot. No joke. But. BUT! I did not touch cookies or popcorn! I ate my delicious Mac nuts like a goddamn champ and did not feel like I was missing out. But since I planned to meet Bubble in L5P and she was already eating lunch, I bought a bag of Kettle chips to tide me over. Only $.80. No complaints here. Thank you, no more perfectionism!

Bubble and I did some shopping and perusing through L5P and Wal-Mart for burlesque-y goodness. All the while I was not hungry. We were out a couple of hours and she grabbed some Taco Bell for dinner noshes at my apartment. I guess I was supposed to like make my own dinner noshes at some point. I’m sorry, but covering panties appropriately is much more important. I did snack on some rice crackers and fake spicy cheese sauce and whoppers candies. The life of the lazy and cheap. Sorry stomach. I immediately regretted it. My body doesn’t like going back to SAD after finding paradise.

Skyping the boyfriend is a great way to not think about cooking food. (I’m sorry, mom. I get really lazy sometimes.) Until he brings up Gingerbread Oreos. Grrrr. I guess I love him anyway. You know what stops me from thinking about Oreos and the candy at the cash registers or the ice  cream or fast food, at least it did today? My body just feels better without it. This morning I could swear I looked a bit thinner (not that thin is the be-all end-all of beauty, HELL NO!). Trick of the light? Maybe. But I felt really good today. Which is nice on the 11 month anniversary of clean eating. GO GIRL!


  • BREAKFAST: Asian chicken
  • SNACK: BBQ Kettle chips, rice crackers dipped in cheese sauce, whoppers candy
  • DINNER: Paprika chicken

On Today’s Menu: November 10, 2013

I actually left the house today!! It was just to take out the trash, but I got fresh air on a day I wasn’t working! Considering I cleaned toilets and sprayed down the tile in my…foyer(?), I should’ve gotten more. That junk is deadly for sure. Even the vinegar based cleaner. But yes, there was much cleaning and vacuuming done today. My carpets are clean and I’ve organized a few things that were piling up. The only room I didn’t get to was the kitchen. I just did a load of dishes the other day and I’m not in the mood to wash dishes by hand. I also hurt my lower back from all the bending and stooping and running from make believe bugs (and some real bugs) while cleaning.

Because of that, I ordered a big dinner so I wouldn’t have to stand and cook for long. It also means leftovers from the week will last a little longer. I planned! ::happydance:: OWWW! No more happy dance….I’ll just quietly eat my thin crust pizza and wings. I think even the thin crust is starting to affect me. Unless I have like three pieces, I start to get that warmth in my chest. Not the happy fireplace, hot tea with lemon and honey, homemade bone broth soup warmth. The you’re-lucky-you-didn’t-do-this-late-at-night-or-you-would-know-true-agony warmth. I’ll have to take it easy with that…which means it’ll last longer!

And yes. Pizza dipped in ranch dressing is the best thing about fast food on this planet. End of story. But I won’t do it anymore because ranch dressing is just another dash of poison I don’t feel like consistently adding to my food.

The boyfriend’s mom had me on her shopping list today apparently when she took him to shopping. He texted me while I was cleaning so I didn’t hear anything until he had to call to get information for her about my clothing size. I’m still getting used to her giving me things. But she’s gotten me nice things in the past, which I greatly appreciate. So yay! Clothes!

I transferred more of chapter two to MSWord for my NaNoWriMo story! That in itself is progress. Maybe I should stop writing on the train. I also continued rhinestoning (apparently that’s the correct verb used by burlesque performers) but I needed to stop because I think I’m going to need new bottoms for my cute as all get out bra. 😀

Skyped the game with the boyfriend! Then Panera made him go to work at ungodly hour in the evening, only to demand he be back at f* you o’clock the very next morning. Ugh! So I watched The Walking Dead as scheduled instead of recording (AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! AMAZING EPISODE TONIGHT!!!!!!) and watching after the game. The Devils thrashed the Predators! 5-0! YEEEEEAAAAHHHH BOOOOOIIIII!!! Like I said, they either win big, lose big, or lose so-so. They never win so-so. I got a bad feeling about this year. I hung up my Brodeur jersey using the tri-pod that is otherwise neglected for now. I hung it up and then we won 5-0. Just saying. 🙂

I’m really enjoying my cleaned apartment. I feel like a big girl. 🙂 Now if my budget can go ahead and reflect how I feel instead of spit on how I feel, that’d be great.


  • BREAKFAST: Beef sausage, scrambled eggs in coconut oil
  • SNACK: Grapes
  • DINNER: Thin crust pizza, bbq wings

On Today’s Menu: October 29, 2013

I learned a few things today.

The very first thing I learned is that I will NEVER drive to the Center for Puppetry Arts on a weekday. NEVER. A twenty minute drive took me an hour because of friggin’ 285 and N. Druid Hills Rd. I HATE YOU SO MUCH!

So I was 10 minutes late for work. Luckily I don’t work with jerks anymore. I jumped right in, ready to answer phones and be watched while doing so. I got to answer phones today! I’m learning the intricacies of how Puppetry runs as opposed to how Horizon runs. It’s actually fascinating.  Puppetry is much more organized in how they function. They don’t have the same subscriptions, it’s a bit simpler, but it’s very organized in how everything is handled. I’m getting used to the different prices and the different sources and how Puppetry runs in general. Other than that, the use of Tessitura is basically the same, just more features are used…properly. Haha!

I spoke to Nancy Grace on the phone today. Not for long, but I totally spoke to her. Not that I would enjoy any in depth conversation with her because she’s a statist and statists gonna state. She’s lovely though. And she has the cutest dialect! Her daughter is having a birthday party at Puppetry on Saturday I believe, but apparently she comes around all the time. Whaaaa? Mad celeb sightings here yo!

I also took a membership on my first full call today. Boom. 9 more and I get a bonus. Boom! Now I just need to stop being tempted by all the food that shows up and tempts me. I fell to danish today…and more. But more on that later.

I was afraid I wouldn’t make it home without filling up on gas since I only had about an hour’s worth of gas left. Stupid N. Druid Hills Rd. So I got gas a few exits before home. I learned that I have terrible rage issues that I’m very good at hiding from most people. It would be improper to be so explosively belligerent around people. I was reeeeeally angry on the road today. I partially attribute that to the time of month, but still. I surprised myself. Watching the news when I got home didn’t help matters. I need to learn those deep breathing techniques. I’ve already learned to just change the channel when the news bothers me. Progress!

I got some more plotting done today for NaNoWriMo! It’s so close! And I’m not finished plotting yet! Gotta get on that! Did a quick write up on the Sheeps with Fangs chapter. Yup. My co-op will live on forever in my writing. Love that man.

HOCKEY!! AND I GOT TO WATCH!! This is exciting. Seriously. It only happens sporadically so I grab it when I can. I also tend to make it a splurge night to celebrate watching an exciting game. I’m a little ashamed of how I looked tonight in terms of eating while watching the game.

Today was simply not a day to refuse cravings I guess. Stuffed myself sick. Again. Why do I keep doing it? Don’t you dare think it has anything to do with how I eat now. I adore how I eat and cooking my own food and knowing that I eat as health-consciously as I can. The problem is how I grew up eating. My body loves sugar because it was always something that made me feel happy. You think it’s a joke that people can be addicted to food? It’s the same reaction as a drug addict has to getting a fix. My drug is sugar. And it’s so readily available wherever I turn that if I don’t have anyone to hold me accountable, I’m ten million times more likely to just go for it. Clearly my opinion of myself is not enough. Poor girl.

Having to balance how closely I watch myself along with budgeting my meager income and maintaining my home and overcoming loneliness makes me prioritize quickly. Obviously money trumps health on occasion (yeah, sometimes you just have to do the best you can; your body will understand and forgive) and an easy fix trumps remembering how ill I feel afterwards. People’s memories are short.

Welp, my apartment is a safe zone again. I’d appreciate keeping it that way. Good thing I can’t afford to buy crap so whatever is in YDFM groceries budget is what I get. I’m actually kind of excited to go grocery shopping. I have a goal spending cap and I think I picked out what I need to keep it beneath that. Bring it! …bring my first Puppetry paycheck first please!


  • BREAKFAST: Meatloaf, mashed sweets
  • SNACK: Danish, pastry
  • DINNER: Chicken, salad
  • SNACK: Assorted not good things